NEW CFM Series Compact Flail Mower Launched

The Chapman CFM Range of tractor mounted flail mowers are heavy duty in construction and built for work. Suitable for use on compact tractors from 25- 50hp and designed for cutting dense vegetation & overgrowth. Hydraulic side-shift features as standard, perfect for working around trees and other obstructions with ease. Available in 1.5m (5’) and 1.8m (6’) cut widths.

The CFM utilises 22/ 28 large heavy duty forged flail hammers that ensure great results on rushes, brambles and other hardy vegetation. Automatic spring belt tensioning system and Triple B Type Belts are utilised for maximum reliability and increased power transfer from tractor to rotor. The CFM series are equipped with reliable,high quality European gearboxes and rated for tractors from 25-50hp. 

The CFM Series has a adjustable rear roller with inclusive scraper bar, perfect for when cutting different types of material to suit different working conditions to adjust cutting height.